pip install chromadbx
Supported filters:
- equal to (string, int, float)$ne
- not equal to (string, int, float)$gt
- greater than (int, float)$gte
- greater than or equal to (int, float)$lt
- less than (int, float)$lte
- less than or equal to (int, float)$in
- in (list of strings, ints, floats,bools)$nin
- not in (list of strings, ints, floats,bools)Where:
import chromadb
from chromadbx.core.queries import eq, where, ne, and_
client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="path/to/db")
collection = client.get_collection("collection_name")
collection.query(where=where(and_(eq("a", 1), ne("b", "2"))))
# {'$and': [{'a': ['$eq', 1]}, {'b': ['$ne', '2']}]}
Where Document:
import chromadb
from chromadbx.core.queries import where_document, contains, not_contains, LogicalOperator
client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="path/to/db")
collection = client.get_collection("collection_name")
collection.query(where_document=where_document(contains("this is a document", "this is another document")))
# {'$and': [{'$contains': 'this is a document'}, {'$contains': 'this is another document'}]}
where_document=where_document(contains("this is a document", "this is another document", op=LogicalOperator.OR)))
# {'$or': [{'$contains': 'this is a document'}, {'$contains': 'this is another document'}]}