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Python Function Calling

In this article we'll cover how to call Python functions using func-ai.


Before you begin make sure you have the following:

  • func-ai installed (pip install func-ai)
  • An OpenAI API key set in the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable (you can have a .env file in the current directory with OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-api-key> and then use load_dotenv() to load the environment variables from the file)

Calling Python functions using OpenAI API

First let's define a python function we want to call using LLM:

def add_two_numbers(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    Adds two numbers

    :param a: The first number
    :param b: The second number
    :return: The sum of the two numbers
    return a + b

A few key points about how functions we want to expose to LLMs should be defined:

  • The function MUST have type-hints for all parameters and the return value. This helps LLMs understand what the function does and how to call it.
  • The function MUST have a docstring. The docstring and in particular the description is used by the LLM to identify the function to call.
  • The function docstring MUST contain parameters and their descriptions. This helps LLMs understand what parameters the function takes and what they are used for.

Now let's convert the above function so that it can be called using OpenAI function calling capability:

from func_ai.utils.py_function_parser import func_to_json

_json_fun = func_to_json(add_two_numbers)

In the above snippet we use func_to_json to convert the python function to a dictionary that can be passed to OpenAI API.

Now let's do some prompting to see how the function can be called:

import openai
import json
from dotenv import load_dotenv


def call_openai(_messages, _functions: list = None):
    if _functions:
        _open_ai_resp = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        _open_ai_resp = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    return _open_ai_resp["choices"][0]["message"]

_messages = [{"role": "system",
              "content": "You are a helpful automation system that helps users to perform a variety of supported tasks."},
             {"role": "user", "content": "I want to add 5 and 10"}]
_functions = [_json_fun]
response = call_openai(_messages, _functions)
if "function_call" in response:
    _result = add_two_numbers(**json.loads(response["function_call"]["arguments"]))
    print(f"Result: {_result}")
    _function_call_llm_response = {
        "role": "function",
        "name": response["function_call"]["name"],
        "content": f"Result: {_result}",

The above snippet will print the following:

Result: 15
  "role": "assistant",
  "content": "The sum of 5 and 10 is 15."

Let's break down the above snippet:

  • First we define a function call_openai that takes a list of messages and a list of functions to call. The function uses the openai.ChatCompletion.create API to call OpenAI and get a response.
  • Next we define a list of messages that we want to send to OpenAI. The first message is a system message that describes what the system does. The second message is a user message that tells the system what the user wants to do.
  • Next we define a list of functions that we want to expose to OpenAI. In this case we only have one function.
  • Next we call the call_openai function with the messages and functions. The response from OpenAI is stored in the response variable.
  • Next we check if the response contains a function_call key. If it does then we know that OpenAI has called our function and we can get the result from the function_call key.
  • Next we print the result of the function call.
  • Next we create a new message that contains the result of the function call and append it to the list of messages.
  • Finally we call the call_openai function again with the updated list of messages. This time OpenAI will respond with a message that contains the result of the function call.

Non-Production Example

The above is a naive example of how you can use the func-ai library to convert your python functions and use them with OpenAI. func-ai offer much more advanced mechanisms to help you build a production ready code. Please check other articles in the documentation to learn more or get in touch with us if you need help.

Working with functools.partial

Python functools library offers the ability to create partial functions with some of the parameters already set. This is particularly useful in cases where you have either static parameter you want to configure, sensitive parameter such a secret or a state object (e.g. DB connection) in which case you either cannot or do not want to send that info to OpenAI. partial to the rescue!

Let's create a new function called query_db where we want our DB driver to be a fixed parameter and not passed to the LLM:

Note: We make the assumption that call_openai function is already defined as per the previous example.

from functools import partial
from func_ai.utils.py_function_parser import func_to_json
import json

def query_db(db_driver: object, query: str) -> str:
    Queries the database

    :param db_driver: The database driver to use
    :param query: The query to execute
    :return: The result of the query
    return f"Querying {db_driver} with query {query}"

_partial_fun = partial(query_db, db_driver="MySQL")
_json_fun = func_to_json(_partial_fun)
_messages = [{"role": "system",
              "content": "You are a helpful automation system that helps users to perform a variety of supported tasks."},
             {"role": "user", "content": "Query the db for quarterly sales."}]
_functions = [_json_fun]
response = call_openai(_messages, _functions)
if "function_call" in response:
    _result = _partial_fun(**json.loads(response["function_call"]["arguments"]))
    print(f"Result: {_result}")
    _function_call_llm_response = {
        "role": "function",
        "name": response["function_call"]["name"],
        "content": f"Result: {_result}",

The above snippet will print the following:

Result: Querying MySQL with query SELECT * FROM sales WHERE date >= '2021-01-01' AND date <= '2021-12-31'
  "role": "assistant",
  "content": "Here are the quarterly sales for the year 2021:\n\n1st Quarter: $XXX\n2nd Quarter: $XXX\n3rd Quarter: $XXX\n4th Quarter: $XXX\n\nPlease let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!"

The example above is very similar to our previous example except that this time we have fixed the db_driver parameter which gives you that very important security and privacy aspect especially when playing around with LLMs on the open internet.

Function Wrapper

func-ai also offers a function wrapper that you can use to wrap your functions and expose them to OpenAI. The wrapper takes care of all the heavy lifting for you. Here is a very short example of how you can use the wrapper:

from dotenv import load_dotenv
from func_ai.utils import OpenAIFunctionWrapper, OpenAIInterface


def say_hello(name: str):
  This is a function that says hello to the user

  :param name: Name of the person to say hello to
  print(f"Hello {name}!")

_func_wrap = OpenAIFunctionWrapper.from_python_function(say_hello, OpenAIInterface())

_func_wrap.from_prompt("Say hello to John")

The above snippet will print the following:

Hello John!

Let's break down the above snippet:

  • First we import the load_dotenv function from the dotenv library. This is used to load the environment variables from the .env file.
  • Next we import the OpenAIFunctionWrapper and OpenAIInterface classes from the func_ai.utils module.
  • Next we define a function called say_hello that takes a name parameter and prints Hello {name}! to the console.
  • Next we create an instance of the OpenAIFunctionWrapper class by calling the from_python_function method and passing in the say_hello function and an instance of the OpenAIInterface class.
  • Finally we call the from_prompt method on the OpenAIFunctionWrapper instance and pass in the prompt that we want to send to OpenAI.

It is also possible to use partials with the wrapper like so:

from functools import partial
_func_wrap = OpenAIFunctionWrapper.from_python_function(partial(say_hello,name="World"), OpenAIInterface())

_func_wrap.from_prompt("Say hello")

The above snippet will print the following:

Hello World!

Further Examples

For more examples check jupyter notebooks in the tests/jupyter/ folder.